Background Images and Highlight Color

ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗΣ | Background Images and Highlight Color

Need your own custom color or background image? Not a problem, Aurora Dawn allows you to set your own custom highlight color to any color you wish. This highlight color controls titles, hyperlinks, menu items, and several other elements. This color can easily be set in the template configuration area.

Not only can you set your own custom highlight color but you can easily set your own background images and colors.

Below are some screenshots of custom colors and background images. Click on each image to see a live demo.

For a tutorial on setting up background images click here.

ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗΣ | Background Images and Highlight Color ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗΣ | Background Images and Highlight Color ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗΣ | Background Images and Highlight Color ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗΣ | Background Images and Highlight Color

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